
在App Store 上的「Notes Plus X」

2023年10月29日 — Use your iPad and Apple Pencil to take handwritten notes, markup on imported PDFs, type text, convert handwriting to text, record audio ...

Notes Plus X on the App Store

Notes Plus X is a complete rewrite as a document-based app where you can keep your notebooks anywhere on device or any cloud service. Learning from 10+ years ...

How I feel about Notes Plus

Notes Plus has too many choices to go through when starting to use the app. Some might find that a good thing. Personally, it just slows me down, and this is ...

十年之后,Notes Plus 推出了全新版本

2021年11月3日 — 我都不知道开发者在靠什么吃饭。所以当我发现它推出了10 周年新版本(Notes Plus X,后略称为NPX)的时候,确实感到了一些惊喜。

How to import old notebooks to Notes Plus X

Open Notes Plus X file browser. Tap on Import button on top left. 2. On “Import Notes Plus Notebooks” dialog, tap on “Select a Notes Plus Folder” button.


2023年10月29日—UseyouriPadandApplePenciltotakehandwrittennotes,markuponimportedPDFs,typetext,converthandwritingtotext,recordaudio ...,NotesPlusXisacompleterewriteasadocument-basedappwhereyoucankeepyournotebooksanywhereondeviceoranycloudservice.Learningfrom10+years ...,NotesPlushastoomanychoicestogothroughwhenstartingtousetheapp.Somemightfindthatagoodthing.Personally,itjustslowsmedown,andthisis...